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Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Goodness. I just watched The Exorcism Of Emily Rose at Cathay Causeway. The tangibles vs the intangibles? Think the courtcase scenes were damn zai. Hadn't really thought about how reason vs belief can actually bring about conflicts in court. Was mulling over the line:"Facts leave no room for possibilities of doubt." Indeed. Especially when ECB was arguing so passionately over a religious belief....the very notion that Emily Rose was indeed beyond medical cure...and that no other possibilities could substantiate Father Moore's case. I was pretty traumatised by that sickening pose of Emily...with her head arched backwards...her hands and limbs contorted on the cold hard floor of her dorm when Jason found her. Somehow I felt that the "acquittal" of Father Moore was to appease many of the religious groups...I suppose the film maker was very much aware of how controversial this movie could turn out to be. He's found guilty of negligent homicide and yet recommended by the jury to have carried out his sentence.

Just like how the tape recorder couldn't possibly provide absolute evidence on the fact that Emily was demonised, there was simply no way...absolutely no way how ECB could possibly prove the case. No hard cold facts, no evidence, no credible witness to prove that Emily was indeed haunted by demons. I just found it ridiculous that the doctors summoned on court could possibly dismiss her case as mere psychosis...epilepsy or even psychotic epilepsy! Sounds pretty atrocious to me.
And the supposedly "cultured" doctor who approached superstitions from a scientific viewpoint looked like someone from some Bollywood scene.
Somehow after this movie....I've grown to appreciate lawyers even more. That they have to defend the case till the very end. Even without concrete facts to substantiate the intangibles.....they have to BELIEVE and be CONVINCED of whatever they are arguing. Emily's case was one such's so hard to believe that someone is being controlled by demons and yet at the same time...this possibilty can't be ruled out. The worst thing is when no fact can be used to substantiate the case...and she had to resort to appeal via emotion...and not reason which was something supposedly unaccepted in court. Found it pretty incredulous though..

Somehow..I can relate to the movie when it was mentioned that once you stepped into boundaries of the Dark, there's no way you can step out of it...and it stays with you throughout life. I'm no Christian or Catholic and I guess I'm probably in no position to comment on the various religious beliefs that were fervently involved in this case. But as an "on-looker", I stood on the side of Father Moore.. Particularly there was one really agitated guy who sat in front and perked up whenever Father Moore stood trial. ;)

How many a times have science been proven to cross religious boundaries? Who is to say that science is the be-all and end-all of everything? Religious and spiritual issues remain a mystery..even till today.
Thought-provoking indeed.

InDuLgeD~|2:01 PM|


windy storm
Strong and willful, the wind is just the beginning
of any storm. Its freedom hinders any leaf from
staying aloft a branch. You control yourself
only with the greatest difficulty when
suppressed. Your emotion is often whirled out
of control, though you keep it in check, there
is constant movement. People find you sometimes
flighty and headstrong. Your disobedient nature
most the time finds you in trouble, however you
always seem to find your way back home.

What storm is brewing inside you? (with pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm..I didn't know I'm like that..haha.
Plain bored.

InDuLgeD~|2:51 AM|


hEyy..finally bought my PROM dress! -all smiles- Can finally enjoy the upcoming meet-ups with friends without any worries. There are some things that we've always been looking here and there in vain...and yet it finally arrived at the most unexpected moment. hmm.

I thought I landed myself in a difficult position ever since I agreed to help ZL and friends with the deal to rent my grandma's 4-room flat. It's really not easy being the "middleman" negotiating between a relative and a close friend, and so it seems, especially when financial matters are concerned. It's so hard to broach the subject without being personal. Think my uncle's probably unhappy with me..who knows? Just hope things go well..because I know it's not fair for both parties whether the rent goes up or down.

It was great catching up with ZL though. =) Learnt that Mrs Tan would be posted back to MOE and that Anderson would have a new principal soon.

Sigh. Itching for K-box. Gotta spare a thought for my pocket too.

InDuLgeD~|1:09 AM|


21. 25th Feb 1987. pIscEs. A clash between Idealism & Realism
Learning to appreciate simplicity in a complicated world.

In the mOod for chocs!

It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man. ~Miranda Ingram
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!
"There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who love chocolate, and communists." ~Leslie Moak Murray in ‘Murray's Law’ comic strip


feeling: =)
thinking of: holidays!
watching: -
wishing for: tHe dAy tO cHill wItH a gOod bOok
learning: Table tennis!
reading: The 8th Habit
Kinder Bueno Chocs!
IKEA furniture
Kueh Bangkit
Pocky (Choc)
what's left:
movie recommendation: Cape No. 7
last DVD watched: Iron Man
last updated: 13:00 9 Jan 2009
coming up next:
finalterm exams
no. of days back to SG: 5 days
no. of days back to BJ: - day
Other involvements:
  Dharma class


tO tRaVeL aRoUnD tHe wOrLd
gEt a dRiViNg LicEnCe
dIvE unDer tHe sEas

.pLaCeS tO tOuR.

North Korea
Yunnan Province

.pLaCeS tOuRed

San Francisco
South Korea
Hong Kong
Inner Mongolia
Tsing Dao

*MeLt tHe cHoCoLate!*

*cHocS oF mY LiFe*

Photos galore!
hAi LiNg
xIn yU
sOoN sOoN
yI wEn
jY mOusIe
JuNioR S73
HC LEP + 黄城夜韵
Zhe Han
aLvIn yaP
kOk hOng
hOi faI
xIaO yUaN
hUi yAn
hUaNg cHeNg
bOoN hAn
Anderson Sec 2000-2003
JeN yUh
zHaO yAnG
Princess LaLa
sHi YuN
Townsville Pri 1994-1999
sU yEe
BeLovEd 1/2'06
JuN bIn
mEi sHyAn
Taiwan LEP Immersion Tour Guide
wAi kEat
yUn xUaN
mR bRoWn
Talking CocK
YoU tUbE
yEs 933!


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Scripts by: DynamicDrive

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