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Saturday, May 09, 2009


I've moved on:

InDuLgeD~|12:45 AM|

Monday, March 23, 2009


I was reflecting alot on the way back from SICA's Opening Ceremony tonight. This is my 6th OC since I entered Peking Uni. There's a tinge of soury sadness amidst the heartwarming familiarity when I see peers who were recruited together with me during the Fall of 2006. How time flies!

When I first joined SICA, I chose Projects Team (项目部) over the others as I wanted a different experience from my senior Regina. It was back to basics during the first semester, and that was what the seniors always told us: Do not belittle the power of simple tasks like pasting posters at chinese student hostels or simply distributing flyers at 三角地. We helped to plan the SICA OC during that year, and I vividly remembered it was held at 正大国际中心二层. The following semester, I helped out with NEAN (Northeast Asian Network) held at Yonsei Uni, took charge of International Cultural Festival's stage performances. I was really happy back then being able to have the chance to work with chinese students in a student association like this and SICA is truly the place where I befriended my closest friends. :) Thereafter, I proceeded to FACES and I'm still learning, bit by bit everyday. It takes a lot to lead a group of people who grew up in a culture very much different from mine, knowing each and everyone's working style, their strengths and weaknesses, thinking about what is best for FACES on the whole. It's really a balance between individual benefits and that of a group's. Another thing is about retaining talent in the association. Very often, we recruit people based on their individual talents and predicted contributions they can make to the association. Yet these people are the hardest to retain as they are always on the lookout for greener pastures. I must admit it's a come-and-go thing and I shouldn't be brooding over this. But I realised these are the intricate things that we have to balance in a group's dynamics during recruitment. We can't have all the capable ones in a team, many of them will end up feeling not valued. But because FACES itself is very much academic in the sense that we focus a lot on knowledge of Sino-US relations, I wouldn't want most of my members to end up not knowing anything in this field, especially if they are the ones who are now going to take up important roles for the conference next November. I'm hoping that while they gain experience with organizations and stuff, they can also be well-equipped with knowledge in this area too. Is it too idealistic? Well perhaps everyone is just too caught up with their own stuff, and they can only spare a bare minimum at FACES. Nevertheless, we still appreciate their commitment very much! After all, student's main priority is still school work!

This semester, even though it's a transitory phase to the conference itself, is still very important for us. We need to work out lots of logistics and administrative cooperative measures with Renmin Uni to ensure a smooth transition to the co-hosting of the November China Conference. And human dynamics is the toughest to tackle! But I'm glad the two chapters kind of complemented each other in the gender ratio...we've an overwhelming number of female officers.

InDuLgeD~|2:30 PM|

Friday, March 20, 2009






InDuLgeD~|1:28 AM|

Friday, March 13, 2009


SICA宣讲会刚结束!phew, 总算搞定一件事拉~ 看来还是还有不少人关注FACES的~呵呵。明天有个TECC的面试,之后回来筛FACES简历~~一直筛到周六....之后还有佛学班!唉,周日还要当面官!今天翘了《庄子》选读去了宣讲会....心痛阿~ 我的庄子。
本来以为这学期少了周末的心理学课可以更轻松...没想到反而越来越忙呢。下周有个赞助商的留美讲座、在人大看电影、SICA Opening Ceremony!




InDuLgeD~|12:46 AM|

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

::Things are finally on track!::

Been feeling frustrated and tired and mentally-drained for the past weeks. You know, when one feels really down and out, it just gets stuck and shittier. Things just get more negative by the days. But I'm happy to say that things are finally on track now, at least for some. :)

1. We are really creating a new milestone in FACES Beida-Renda collaboration! YAYs. We ourselved are simply excited over these new ideas!
20th March: Movie screening at Renmin Uni (US movie probably) Both chapter members and some American students will be joining us! We are thinking of ways to make it interesting for this first effort! Okay, there's snacking, there's "Who wants to be a millionaire" contest after the movie. We'll create score charts, a kind of competition for both chapters...and then total up the score every month. The losing chapter will get to treat all of us! heh. We hope to make this movie screening/informal discussions on Sino-US relations a bi-weekly affair.
4th April/5th April Spring Outing: FACES Amazing Race at Tianjin! (Teams of 5 made up of 2 Beida + 2 Renda + 1 American student).

2. Summer Plans: Oh yes, this has been a constant source of frustration since the semester started. Instead of doing a Summer Program at Berkeley for 8 weeks, I've decided to save up for future grad studies! It sounds more realistic this way. In that case, I'll most probably stay for the PKU summer school from 29 June to 31 July (though I always feel I don't learn much from this!) But anyhow, it makes more room for other plans. And then go for a Technology & Education, Connecting Cultures (TECC) - TECC Summer Institute Volunteer Program in the rural parts of China. I almost jumped at this when I was doing FACES recruitment at 三角地 yesterday. It would be interesting to volunteer, teach and learn! This will take place till mid August. Thereafter, I will fly home for a MOE HQ Attachment. I was really spoilt for choice when I had to choose my top 3 division choices. Hoping to get into Curriculum Planning & Development Division. Otherwise, Training and Development Division would be good too, I can learn and contribute counselling and teaching practices from teachers! :) I was also very attracted by the Education Programme Divsion.....I'm interested to help students with special needs, like autism and ADHD. So looking forward!

InDuLgeD~|2:26 PM|

Friday, January 09, 2009

::Countdown: 5 days to the Jetplane! :D::

3 down, 2 more to go! :)

I can't wait to see my loved ones back home! Whee...I'm enjoying every bit of the exam period: frantic mugging, web-surfing while having dinner in between revision slots, tuning back my biological clock to 11pm-7am daily. At least I have 24 hours to myself (that's very rewarding compared to term time when activities are on-going all the time!). My life revolves around "sleep-eat-revise-sleep-eat-revise" all these while. I'm turning into a glutton! Finals officially end on the 14th Jan, 4pm. YAYs! I believe I'll enjoy another round of frantic packing for my flight home that night! =) Thinking of what modules to choose for the next semester...there's really not much of a choice as most classes that I've always anticipated since my freshman year are no longer available. (either the profs have retired or they've sought "greener pastures".)

This winter doesn't seem to be as uncomfortable as the previous years', surprisingly. No snow, longer hours of daylight, less chill. Darkness used to creep in at 4.30pm during winter and daylight at 8am. This year, however, the sky slowly dims at 5pm and lits up at 7.10am (to be exact). I vividly remembered there was a huge snow right after my exam last winter. A memorable sight to behold if we weren't busy cramming for exams.
This is gonna be my 2nd last winter at PKU. Hoping that next year's would snow!

I was reading an article on NY Times titled "Ex-Prostitutes Say South Korea and U.S. Enabled Sex Trade Near Bases" , on how South Korean women were forced into the sex labor for American soldiers who protected South Korea from North Korea during the Korea war.

"But the women suggest that the government also viewed them as commodities to be used to shore up the country’s struggling economy in the decades after the Korean War. They say the government not only sponsored classes for them in basic English and etiquette — meant to help them sell themselves more effectively — but also sent bureaucrats to praise them for earning dollars when South Korea was desperate for foreign currency."
"At least some South Korean leaders viewed prostitution as something of a necessity. In one exchange in 1960, two lawmakers urged the government to train a supply of prostitutes to meet what one called the “natural needs” of allied soldiers and prevent them from spending their dollars in Japan instead of South Korea. The deputy home minister at the time, Lee Sung-woo, replied that the government had made some improvements in the “supply of prostitutes” and the “recreational system” for American troops.
"The more I think about my life, the more I think women like me were the biggest sacrifice for my country’s alliance with the Americans,” she said. "Looking back, I think my body was not mine, but the government’s and the U.S. military’s.”

It's so nasty to imagine that two governments would resort to such means, at the expense of the welfare of her (South Korea's) own people. Especially when you have officers telling their people that such enslavement "was not something bad for the country either.” It's like a vicious cycle when these prostitutes are forced into the sex trade, they contract STDs from it, they are forced to seek treatment, they get back into the sex trade again...

Quote of the day:

My General Psy Prof left us with this inspiring quote by an Indian spritual teacher and philosopher Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj:

"Love tells me I'm everything. Wisdom tells me I'm nothing. Between the two, my life flows."

InDuLgeD~|12:55 PM|

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have no idea where life is bringing me now. Monday was the first time this semster that I really strolled along the roads of PKU, admiring the bare trees, sucking in the winter air. How time flies! Really. This sounds cliché, but it's always these stark realizations in life that jump at us from nowhere out of a sudden. As I look back at the past 6 months of my life, I feel that it has undergone, truly, lots of ups and downs.

It was truly the time when:
I've never been so uncertain about the people around me.
I feel so insecure about how my feelings about different people are ever-changing.
I felt in bliss, many many moments. Yet when they fade, it seemed very hard to relive them.
I constantly think of escape from certain problems and people. What if....what if....I fill my mind with endless thoughts like this.
There are too many pent-up thoughts that I simply can't share...without making sure it's safe to.

I know I shouldn't be thinking so much....but it's making me so unsettled. Perhaps it's the winter gloom. Perhaps it's just time for hibernation.

InDuLgeD~|4:37 PM|

::FACES 2008: 还是很想念大家!::

40 Delegates + 8个Chapter Delegates + 20 Stanford Executive Members = 2008年四月份FACES (Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford) On Common Ground Part I!

听斯坦福执委他们说,今年共有800多个申请者——其中600来自中国大陆以及港澳台。更让人惊叹的是北大的申请者居多!毋庸置疑,国内外涉及中美关系的论坛不少,但FACES绝对是最优秀的学术论坛之一。 FACES的主要活动包括Panels, Seminars, Social Events, Simulations.(参见

Group Photo at Stanford Old Union

第一天除了Check-in和校园参观还有由Harvard教授在Opening Banquet对于2008年北京奥运的演讲,其中涉及了奥运的三种性质讨论——政治、体育、商业。
第二天便正式开始学术论坛,三个Panels包括 “Practical Solutions for China’s Environmental Issues and the Role of the US”, “Asian Sovereign Wealth Funds and Implications for the World Economy”, “Product Quality, Intellectual Property and Trade Protectionism Against China”。这三个Panels 涉及的讨论范围较广泛,对于中美关系的针对性并不是特别强。尽管这些课题在学术界已经谈论很长一段时间,但是它们在这些方面提供给大家国内外最新研究发展。其次,便是各种小组讨论,主要把自己对上述Panels的想法与大家共享,从各个代表对问题不同的切入点促进彼此的了解。下午播放影片“Nanking”,其特点在于是一位美国导演Bill Guttentag从三个不同的视角——中国、美国、日本,通过追忆的方式来拍摄。之后,导演亲自到现场给大家答疑解惑,是个非常难得的体验!晚上的Social Event 主要是观看美国带有政治讽刺性的节目——The Daily Show 和 The Colbert Report, 促进中国代表对美国政治的一定了解。
第三天便是根据代表的喜好参与不同主题的Small Group Seminars 1. 其中包括 Racial Stereotypes, NGOs, Local US Government. 下午便是Changing Demographics: Aging, Immigration, and effects on Health Care and Social Security. 之后再进行 Small Group Seminars 2: Venture Capitalism, Youth in Politics, Social Causes and Civic Activities, Local China Government. 主题的多样化是FACES的优势所在。我参与的Youth In Politics演讲者是个北大毕业的斯坦福教授,她亲自经历了天安门事件并且深入地与我们分享当时的整个过程与状况。学术了一整天,当然少不了晚上的Social Event: Iron Chef! 主要是个模仿美国节目的烹饪大赛。各小组齐心合力在有限条件下献上他们的拿手好菜!
第四天便是大家期待已久的Panels: The 2008 Elections and Taiwan, Comparative Political Systems.由于团队中有几个台湾代表,因此这个颇为敏感的课题得到非常全面的阐释。午餐时间大家仍然对这个课题滔滔不绝,甚至在草坪上与教授高谈阔论。这样的学术自由果然非常难得。此外,小组还进行了奥运录像大赛,到校园里采访美国学生对中国奥运的想法。下午的Keynote Address 是整个论坛的重点之一,邀请的演讲者是Sidney Rittenberg,一个打从心底懂得中国人的美国人、毛泽东的亲密好友、唯一加入中共的美国人。听了他一番演讲之后,许多中国代表非常感动,更激起了许多代表对他的好奇心。若有朝一日,美国能够有像他那样懂得中国人民的领袖,中美关系日趋明朗化不再是个遥不可及的梦想。由于中国这一年来遭受不少不幸事件,造成了西方媒体对于中国的许多误解,更激起了中国人的愤慨,两国之间的关系更是受到了影响。因此,这更突显FACES塔起中美关系的重要性。或许这样一个小小的学术论坛不具有实际的效用,但是我们希望通过FACES 从小处着落,再慢慢推广开来。
第五天便是一整天的Simulation Preparation 和 Press Conference. 各个代表选择自己感兴趣的课题(如:台独、朝鲜、伊拉克战争等)并且代表中国或美国一方来谈论问题并且呈现解决方案。讨论的过程非常精彩,总会有“突如其来”的情报使大家必须重新定位、思考当前的问题。
第六天便是City Tour! 大家成群结队到旧金山市区游玩半天,其中金门大桥和渔人马头都是热门景点。接下来便是大家期待的Closing Banquet,在欢喜的气氛中参杂着种种不舍。好在半年后的FACES OCG II ,大家还会在上海碰面!

FACES给我的...是一丝丝的感动。因为看到两个不同国家的人,截然不同文化背景的人,在一个相同的环境中找到彼此的共识。Shanghai Fudan Conference中,又一位美国代表Andrew Miller说过:换作是用中文来作为论坛的主导语言,或许很多美国人都无法真切地将想法表达出来。所以他佩服在座的中国代表。这样难能可贵的跨文化理解,或许很容易被日常中的繁琐所忽视和冲淡。

FACES让我找到了真心朋友....尤其是Joy. 那真的是个美丽的意外。没有FACES, 我们也不会相遇。多希望有时间和每一个代表交流...当Charles即将离开北京的那一瞬间,仿佛觉得自己已经很难再找到知心朋友。而在我们匆忙的人生中,或许会因为没有播出那一点时间而错过了结交一个知心好友的机会,而感到深深的遗憾。

InDuLgeD~|2:06 PM|

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

::Summer 2008 Plans!::

And so it's back to a hectic period of frantic mugging again. Time for finals for my 4th Semester at PKU. I've never felt such a strong urge to go back home until these few weeks...especially after the Sichuan Earthquake. And thus, I am happy to declare that I will spend the bulk of my Summer holidays back in Singapore! There goes:

30th June-23rd July: School Attachment at Northbrooks Secondary! I checked the school website and found it quite hilarious that they call themselves "Brooksian"! hehee...sounds quite geeky to me. Relatively new school..established in 2000 at Yishun, one year after I shifted. (No wonder I haven't seen the school around).
Thereafter-end August: Olympics Video for FACES, catching up with friends and some seminars.
Last week of Aug-31st Aug: Japan Trip! (Highlight of my Summer!) Will be backpacking with some friends and checking out my Jap exchange buddies at Tokyo. Hoping to visit Waseda! =) Thereafter I will be flying back to Beijing.
1st Sept-mid Sept: Yunnan Trip! =) Looking forward.
18th Sept: Term starts. And I'll be moving on to my 3rd year at PKU. How time flies!

InDuLgeD~|7:45 PM|

Monday, June 02, 2008












InDuLgeD~|11:40 PM|

Sunday, January 20, 2008

::Back to SG for winter break!::

I realised my blog is kinda dead nowadays! hahaha. Haven't blogged for 3 months odd. heh.
Just came back to Singapore 4 days ago. I've always enjoyed taking the night flight back home..the mesmerizing lights beckoning at us from Changi Airport..and gosh, how I miss Singapore.

Looking back, it has been by far, the most hectic semester. Trying my best to manage my Psy minor with my CL major....and making sure that my major's results are not affected by the additional workload. Yet I realised interest somehow overruled. hah..I still did better in Psy though. :P Hoping to do Exp Psy and Child Psy next term. :)

Have been working on the Northeast Asian Network 2008 OC preparations for the PKU side..sifting through the countless resumes, the never-ending essays from applicants, arranging interviews, booking of air tickets and lots of coordination work between the China OC and Korea OC. I'm glad to be given this learning experience again........and feeling totally excited about visiting Seoul next Sunday!! hahaha..will be staying at Yonsei Uni for a week and then a Korean classmate's house for 2 days to explore the city.

And so...for the remaining holidays, there goes my schedule:
21st Jan-26Jan: Meeting up with friends at NUS/NTU and watching a musical
27th Jan-4th Feb: Northeast Asian Network at Seoul
5th feb-8th Feb: CNY prep and lotsa visiting!
9th Feb: 21st Birthday party (hopefully...since I can't have it on the actual day, this is supposedly the best possible date)
10th Feb-15th Feb: Meet-up with friends
16th Feb: Relatives' gathering
17th Feb: Back to Beijing!

InDuLgeD~|11:28 PM|

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The much-awaited International Cultural Festival finally ended on 20th October. It's kinda nostalgic...seeing a 5-month planned event end just like that. We gave our best...especially the SICA ICF organizing committee..despite many problems that came out unexpectedly. There were unhappiness between the different countries' in-charge as they believe they were not given the equal treatment like some other countries. Sometimes it's so hard to be was the tweeny-weeny details that gave us a hard hit! I've witnessed for myself the growth in some team-mates..the level of maturity and steadiness they withheld. :) And most importantly, it bonded us together..Even though it's not my first time organising a big-scale school event like this (with over 60 countries participating in booth exhibitions and 36 stage performances going on simultaneously), it's still a worthy learning experience. I've learnt a fair bit.....and saw the whole event from a much macro perspective as compared to last year when I was just doing face painting at the Singapore booth. This year, I didn't really help out much for our booth..heh. But the overall booth design was fantastic! Very different from the past years. Kudos to those who did the designs!

I suppose I will not stay on to help ICF as an organiser next year...would like to try other Northeast Asian Network (NEAN), FACES (the Stanford programme), and those pertaining to France and Switz. Would be a more exciting experience! :)

PKU Top 10 Idol was an enjoyable experience..Even though I didn't really give my I was bogged down by other committment. Thanks to my senior 孙欣 who gave me wonderful advice on stage performances and singing. :)

It's probably time to hit the books again. There's still Singapore Season- Writers' Week next Friday. I suppose I will be more free in November to host Alicia, focus on my exams and continue with my papers. hehe.

InDuLgeD~|2:29 PM|

Friday, October 12, 2007


Another month has passed! In a twinkling of an eye. I went to Cheng De Summer Palace (up North) as well as Hong Kong and Macau during the China National Day holidays! Ha....Hong Kong is really a nice place. Would want to go back again. :)

Then it's back to a hectic school semester again.... ^_^'s always as if all my weekends are burnt...and I leave not much time for personal stuff.
It seems like time is controlling me rather than the other way round! :/

I still do envy couples who can lead their lives together. (yeah...I wouldn't put it as same living environment...) Sometimes things just go crazy...despite things being put clearly, one party would interpret it one way....and the other another way. I don't know why..but things do look a little bleak now. sigh. I know it's probably not fair (nothing is fair anyway..), but sometimes I doubt the meaning behind the sacrifices we make.

Maybe I'm just too tired from the stuff I gotta do in school. Shall stop making myself crazy.

InDuLgeD~|11:46 PM|

Monday, September 03, 2007

::Newbies in Beijing!::

Over the past week, newbies swarmed into the school campus. Pretty exciting....haha. Memories from the past year(when we first arrived) flooded my mind. As I count down, today is my official 365th day in Beijing (PKU in particular).

The first time we took SQ802 to Beijing and arrived at 8.30am on 3rd Sept 2006. Ronghui and I were too busy chatting that we didn't realise we queued on the wrong side. Ha...and it took us at least 1.5hr to get out and yiQ was at the arrival hall waiting for us.

Wei Hao was the first senior that I saw in PKU and he helped us with the registration...the procedure of "booking" my room initially (which became quite problematic due to internal problems). Eileen was the second senior we saw...I still remember the soya bean milk and buns that she bought for us while we were busy queuing.

Thereafter, Bandit a.k.a Jin Yao came back to Shao Yuan and there was a big hoo-ha because they were planning a birthday surprise for him at Blk 2. Ha.. I remembered myself waking up late and peeping through the window to see a group of crazy seniors making lots of noise at a golden-haired guy. ha. and unexpectedly, throughout the past year, Jin Yao remains one of my closest seniors in PKU. :)

This year, we have about 10 newbies in Beijing. A rather good mix I would say. Really really happy to have them join the Singaporean community in Beijing...and I'm sure our days would be fun with so many people around! :P Though it's been tiring settling them in...I think I'm really suffering from accumulated fatigue since I came back from 十渡 on 29th August..then went out shopping with Tze Hee's sister around Beijing and the following day the first batch of juniors arrived.

I look forward to the new sem. Yet it's rather ironic. As the new sem starts, it marks a nearer ending to my undergraduate life in Beijing.

Oh god. I can't imagine leaving this place.. I'm left with only 2 years and 10 months to go.

InDuLgeD~|10:21 PM|

Monday, August 27, 2007

::DKYL Summer 2007!! =)::

We toured around Beijing (went to the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Si Ma Tai Great Wall and some other places), Tianjin, Shan Dong Province (Ji'nan and Tsing Dao).

Had problems with the photos are kind of jumbled up! ^_^
Tsing Dao BEER Museum! August is the month of the International Beer Festival in Tsing Dao! :)

Out at Sea...The China Flag.

At Ji'nan's Da Ming Lake. Very scenic.. or is it because of the morning fog?? ^_^

Tsing Dao's May 4th Memorial Square. It has been said that this is the landmark of Tsing Dao, just like Tian'an Men Square is that of Beijing's.

Halo Olympics! Quite cool to see the yachts from the various countries...though we didn't manage to catch the competition out at sea.

Tianjin's famous 狗不理包子...which tastes just like any other pork buns. We even saw 猫不闻饺子。haha.

古文化街 at Tianjin. Street that sells antiques, teapots, handicrafts etc.

司马台长城...located furthest from the city of Beijing. Yet the most scenic and challenging of all.

COOL pic! :)

Finally reaching the 8th peak...

Lotus galore at Summer Palace (颐和园)

At one of the exits of The Summer Palace.

The Forbidden City. Our favourite photo. :)

One of the Emperor's Throne in the inner halls.

Streets of Tianjin.

InDuLgeD~|1:17 PM|

Sunday, August 26, 2007


You Are An INFJ
The Protector
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
In love, you truly see relationships as an opportunity to connect and grow.You enjoy relationships as long as they are improving and changing. You can't stand stagnation.
At work, you stay motivated and happy... as long as you are working toward a dream you support.You would make a great photographer, alternative medicine guru, or teacher. How you see yourself: Hardworking, ethical, and helpful
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Manipulative, weak, and unstable

InDuLgeD~|7:51 PM|

Thursday, August 23, 2007

::HPAIR 2007::

This year's student-run Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations was held in Beijing's Grand Hyatt from 17th-20th August. Preparations began since last year...and it's seriously not an easy task since I have a few friends in the Host Country Organizing Committee. (HCOC) I was in the "Social Policy" Workshop and it was quite an enriching experience being "enlightened" on the growing obesity epidemic in Asia (sharing by Harvard Medical Sch's prof), the various inequalities facing Asia today...with special focus on India and separatists tend to emphaize inequalities and de-emphasize equalities in order to justify separatism. Food for thought: If the people in the country are happy with the inequality status, then is there still a need to push for equality??

Performance by the Korean Delegates on International Night! :)

Gala Dinner @ Grand Hyatt. Mainly was great knowing them!! =)

Back Row[L to R]: Eugene, Xuan Rong, Weixin, Shuting (local Chinese), Monica (S Korean), Yao Long, Yujun, Di Kun.

Front Row[L to R]: Meng Choo, Yun Li, Singapore Wala. (He really has Singapore in his name! So happening! haha)

One of the Plenary Sessions conducted at the Foreign Language Centre. Provided insights on the upcoming Olympics. Some interesting facts: Beijing mobilized the most number of Olympics volunteers since the history of Olympics: 80,000. Highest operational costs incurred thus far: USD$1.7 billion and China being the 1st country to host Para-Olympics separately.

Leadership Field Trip to CNOOC.

InDuLgeD~|11:39 AM|

Sunday, August 05, 2007


And first summer school in PKU ended in a twinkling of an eye. 1 month's gone and 4 credits fulfilled. heh. Took environmental ecology, a psy module and aerobics..quite fun though the lessons were a lil' taxing (almost everyday). And now it's time for a BREAK!

DK's here in Beijing and my Aug would be spent travelling! :)

InDuLgeD~|10:25 PM|

Sunday, July 08, 2007


This is the stream beside our hotel room in Jiuzhaigou!

The widest waterfall in Jiuzhaigou: 树正瀑布
Panda Lake: So-called as the difference in water marks during summer and spring resembles the pandas' spots.

Water-free sanitary toilet...on the move!!





黄 龙确实没有九寨沟的景色漂亮,唯独五彩池是值得一看.或许有了比较,才更显示出九寨沟那"人间仙境"般的美景.自九寨沟开发20多年来,沟里的管理员都将 它保存得非常好,尽可能以最原始的姿态呈现在我们眼前.一路拍呀拍,数码相机果然负了我们.但正因为这样却迫使我们更加珍惜眼前所拥有的一切.
Y字形的九寨沟有三个沟、九个寨,一路上乘坐环保车游览九寨沟的美景,当然也走了不少路。其中以熊猫海最为迷人(水位下降和上升时仿佛像熊猫的条纹,因此故名)。游览九寨沟最好是秋季的 9-10月份,好想再回去哟!



InDuLgeD~|8:46 PM|

Friday, June 29, 2007

::Start of the summer hols!::

YAY! Exams have ended! Hahah...went to Carrefour with my classmates...shopped around and had a hair cut at Salon 88! :) I like the place and the hairdresser who did my fringe! And also, it's the first time I had my hair cut in darkness... (there was a blackout in the midst of cutting) Then moved near the window pane for a clearer view.
Last night went KTV at 17 miles with friends from the Chinese Faculty! :) to know more people! Heheh.

I like my fringe..hee.

Went to take photos with 1 of my graduating senior, Liangzhou. :)
Took this photo for him and 闵老师, a dear admin teacher for undergrads in the chinese fac.
And yes...I'm going to Cheng Du tomorrow night!! Looking forward to 九寨沟。 will be back on the 4th July :)

InDuLgeD~|12:30 AM|

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


社会学导论(Introduction to Sociology) 84...绩点 3.3.Aye..stupid 1 mark curse.
There are simply too many smarties in Beida.

Actually...there's no need to get so hyped up by such figures...most important thing is the learning process right...hahah. (yeah yeah)
And there has been "rumours" that GPA calculation for all modules will be revamped soon. Professors were saying that the GPA score between each level is too far too close. At present, the system is such that:

90 & >9o=4.0 (maximum)
60-63=1.0 (passing grade)
All else = 0 (fail)

Thus, 1 mark difference can mean a big jump in GPA. That's not very fair.

InDuLgeD~|12:56 PM|

Monday, June 25, 2007

::Sem 2 is over!::

Another semester has whizzed past like that.
And as we move on to our 2nd year, here are some memories of the teachers that have taught us this semester =)

古文选读:刘子瑜老师. She just came back from Japan and in actual fact, taught us for less than a semester. Nevertheless, she's a kind and patient teacher who seems to be very interested in Singapore. haha. :) our nickname for her: 林黛玉 no. 2!! --> They are both very skinny and...her health is bad.
Photo taken in: 三教404

现代汉语:王韫佳老师. Well...she taught us for a year in total. Mixed feelings. She can be a terribly strict teacher who gets irritated by students who can't copy notes quickly, especially those who try to infringe on her copyright: power point slides. Yet..she has her soft side as well. She works really hard and tries her best to teach us more.
Photo taken in: 中文系五院教员休息室

中国古代史(下):党宝海老师. Haha..he's my IDOL!! Someone with a very cute personality. He gets shy easily and tries to act strict sometimes >.<> His PhD thesis was a research on the Mongolian Tribe! :) Enjoyed his snippets of interesting history facts every now and then. History without him....and his sharing would be missed.

This is definitely not a teacher...haha. Met Gek Hoon, a fellow MOE local scholar, while she was in Beijing for their NUS USP programme. =)

InDuLgeD~|5:05 PM|

Friday, June 22, 2007


刚看了一个朋友的 livejournal,突然对人生有许许多多的感慨。整颗心也顿时变得沉重无比。那么深刻由衷的愤慨,仿佛对着世态炎凉的社会败风发出无尽的控诉。




InDuLgeD~|10:57 AM|

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Oooh! My first elective's result for this sem is out! (History of Chinese Culture) Got 90 marks..Just managed to hit 4.0 happy! One of the top 45 out of 150 ( top 30% >85 marks) hehh hadn't expected such good results cos' it was an open book test...everyone would possibly have written the same stuff except for a few questions which were open-ended. Maybe my paper pulled me up.
Anyway, just hoping for the best for the remaining results!

3 more papers to go!!

Visited Renmin University (中国人民大学) , one of the top few Universities in Beijing (20th in China) for a combined Chinese Orchestra Concert (红楼梦主题音乐会) with the Singapore NAFA's 狮城华乐团。音乐总监/指挥郑朝吉先生 is renowned for his contributions in the music arena and has been invited to perform in various cities of China. Nearing the end of the performance, 王立平先生, who composed the music for 红楼梦 was invited to share his thoughts on the noble contribution (He took 4 years in all)...which turned out to be very inspiring and touching! 崔蕊, a young and talented female vocalist managed to bring out the best of 《葬花吟》during the finale!
Cheers to the Singapore Orchestra and NAFA!!

Renmin Uni's auditorium at 明德堂.awesome place!! too bad my battery went flat when the performers came onstage :X

Graffiti on school campus...creativity or vandalism??

Typical school's a GREEN section reminded me of Yishun Community Library...the estates and the HDB flats. For a moment, i thought I was home. :)

人大世纪馆:Their Sports Hall! It was huge...

InDuLgeD~|6:51 PM|

Monday, June 18, 2007

::Birthdays birthdays birthdays....::

Recently there are lots of people celebrating their birthdays in June. And despite it being the hectic exam period....we spent some time sharing their joy and significant moments together with them. Happy Birthday to you June babies!! :)

Xiang Zhe's Birthday Dinner at 何贤记! (a very dear friend on exchange from Germany)
L to R: yiQ, yunz, XZ, Jeremy, Sonia~

yunz and Jiankang at Pork Fusion (Liangzhou was there as well)
Out that I completed all my electives exams!! wooo~

Eileen's 21st Birthday present!! :)

Her birthday celebrations at 小红番薯~ The food there is nice (esp their mango desserts!!) But it's quite expensive >.<

And so mugging continues......

InDuLgeD~|5:03 PM|

Monday, June 11, 2007


It's exam period again.. Sianz. Final-term exams start from today till 27th June.
Finished my Chinese Cultural History Exam today...5 more to go! Someone fainted during exam...probably due to heat stroke. This is not the first time it happened already...
The weather's really hooooot this summer. Aye. Why am I complaining so much.
Bad weather = terrible mood = unproductivity! Temperatures reaching 37 degree celsius these days. :S

Lunched with the NUS USP Scholars who are in Beijing for these 2 weeks. Met Gek Hoon...after 10 months since last year's MOE TSPC! Oh time flies!

I'm still not getting what I want...
Ultimately, I realised 人最爱的还是自己!

InDuLgeD~|8:45 PM|

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Met Corine (DK's friend) and her friend, Jocelyn who are in Beijing for internships!
We went to 五道口 Pork Fusion (A Korean Restaurant) for dinner..heh. :)
Then went for!
Glad I found more shopping khakis during July... :D

Corine, Jocelyn, yunz

InDuLgeD~|12:12 AM|

Saturday, June 02, 2007

::Children's Day::

Happy Children's Day to all China babies!! (or wanna-be babies...) Heheh..
And so while subconsciously knowing that eateries will be very very crowded on this day, we still ended up at Origus. (a Pizza Restaurant near school). The dining experience was quite crazy....this is the first time I see Origus so crowded! :x

InDuLgeD~|3:51 PM|

Monday, May 28, 2007


A year has passed in the twinkling of an eye. S-Nexus (Seniors' Grad Ball in Beijing) was better than my JC least the food was better than Ritz Carlton around 2 years ago. :) This year it's held at Novotel...quite grand! The video was goooood...funny and heartwarming at the same time.

yunz & Ying Jie: Law exchange student here~

yunz & Liangzhou! One of my dearest seniors in PKU. All the best !!

yunz & "babarian" Jinyao: It's rare to have him take a prim and proper photo with me...especially when he likes to bully me! You'll be missed!

yunz & Regina! "Cyndish" senior! Haha.

Meiying, yunz , Jiasong...On our way to Novotel!

THE place~

Chek and yunz...hahahah..he was so accommodating!

Meiying, Xinhui, yunz with our Note book for 1 of the graduating seniors: Jin Yao! :)
Mission accomplished!

InDuLgeD~|8:38 AM|


21. 25th Feb 1987. pIscEs. A clash between Idealism & Realism
Learning to appreciate simplicity in a complicated world.

In the mOod for chocs!

It's not that chocolates are a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate. Chocolate is, let's face it, far more reliable than a man. ~Miranda Ingram
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!
"There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who love chocolate, and communists." ~Leslie Moak Murray in ‘Murray's Law’ comic strip


feeling: =)
thinking of: holidays!
watching: -
wishing for: tHe dAy tO cHill wItH a gOod bOok
learning: Table tennis!
reading: The 8th Habit
Kinder Bueno Chocs!
IKEA furniture
Kueh Bangkit
Pocky (Choc)
what's left:
movie recommendation: Cape No. 7
last DVD watched: Iron Man
last updated: 13:00 9 Jan 2009
coming up next:
finalterm exams
no. of days back to SG: 5 days
no. of days back to BJ: - day
Other involvements:
  Dharma class


tO tRaVeL aRoUnD tHe wOrLd
gEt a dRiViNg LicEnCe
dIvE unDer tHe sEas

.pLaCeS tO tOuR.

North Korea
Yunnan Province

.pLaCeS tOuRed

San Francisco
South Korea
Hong Kong
Inner Mongolia
Tsing Dao

*MeLt tHe cHoCoLate!*

*cHocS oF mY LiFe*

Photos galore!
hAi LiNg
xIn yU
sOoN sOoN
yI wEn
jY mOusIe
JuNioR S73
HC LEP + 黄城夜韵
Zhe Han
aLvIn yaP
kOk hOng
hOi faI
xIaO yUaN
hUi yAn
hUaNg cHeNg
bOoN hAn
Anderson Sec 2000-2003
JeN yUh
zHaO yAnG
Princess LaLa
sHi YuN
Townsville Pri 1994-1999
sU yEe
BeLovEd 1/2'06
JuN bIn
mEi sHyAn
Taiwan LEP Immersion Tour Guide
wAi kEat
yUn xUaN
mR bRoWn
Talking CocK
YoU tUbE
yEs 933!


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2005|Sunday, January 16, 2005|Monday, January 17, 2005|Thursday, January 20, 2005|Sunday, January 23, 2005|Tuesday, January 25, 2005|Friday, January 28, 2005|Monday, January 31, 2005|Sunday, February 06, 2005|Monday, February 07, 2005|Thursday, February 10, 2005|Thursday, February 17, 2005|Friday, February 25, 2005|Saturday, February 26, 2005|Wednesday, March 02, 2005|Saturday, March 12, 2005|Sunday, March 13, 2005|Friday, March 25, 2005|Sunday, April 03, 2005|Saturday, April 16, 2005|Friday, April 22, 2005|Wednesday, April 27, 2005|Sunday, May 01, 2005|Monday, May 09, 2005|Sunday, May 15, 2005|Monday, May 23, 2005|Monday, May 30, 2005|Saturday, June 04, 2005|Monday, June 06, 2005|Sunday, June 12, 2005|Thursday, June 23, 2005|Tuesday, June 28, 2005|Sunday, July 03, 2005|Tuesday, July 05, 2005|Saturday, July 09, 2005|Monday, July 18, 2005|Monday, August 01, 2005|Monday, August 15, 2005|Saturday, August 27, 2005|Thursday, September 08, 2005|Friday, September 16, 2005|Saturday, September 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09, 2006|Saturday, June 10, 2006|Monday, June 12, 2006|Wednesday, June 14, 2006|Friday, June 16, 2006|Sunday, June 18, 2006|Friday, June 23, 2006|Tuesday, July 04, 2006|Friday, July 07, 2006|Monday, July 10, 2006|Thursday, July 13, 2006|Wednesday, July 19, 2006|Saturday, August 05, 2006|Wednesday, August 09, 2006|Tuesday, August 15, 2006|Thursday, August 17, 2006|Monday, August 21, 2006|Tuesday, August 22, 2006|Friday, August 25, 2006|Sunday, August 27, 2006|Tuesday, August 29, 2006|Saturday, September 02, 2006|Sunday, September 10, 2006|Tuesday, September 12, 2006|Tuesday, September 19, 2006|Saturday, September 23, 2006|Tuesday, September 26, 2006|Saturday, September 30, 2006|Saturday, October 07, 2006|Wednesday, October 18, 2006|Sunday, October 22, 2006|Wednesday, November 01, 2006|Sunday, November 05, 2006|Saturday, November 25, 2006|Friday, December 01, 2006|Wednesday, December 06, 2006|Monday, December 11, 2006|Saturday, December 30, 2006|Friday, January 19, 2007|Saturday, January 20, 2007|Monday, January 22, 2007|Thursday, January 25, 2007|Saturday, January 27, 2007|Tuesday, January 30, 2007|Wednesday, January 31, 2007|Friday, February 02, 2007|Wednesday, February 14, 2007|Saturday, February 17, 2007|Monday, February 19, 2007|Tuesday, February 20, 2007|Thursday, February 22, 2007|Sunday, March 04, 2007|Friday, March 09, 2007|Monday, March 12, 2007|Thursday, March 15, 2007|Saturday, March 17, 2007|Sunday, March 18, 2007|Saturday, March 24, 2007|Friday, March 30, 2007|Monday, April 02, 2007|Thursday, April 12, 2007|Friday, April 13, 2007|Wednesday, April 18, 2007|Sunday, April 22, 2007|Monday, April 23, 2007|Saturday, April 28, 2007|Thursday, May 03, 2007|Friday, May 04, 2007|Monday, May 07, 2007|Wednesday, May 09, 2007|Friday, May 11, 2007|Saturday, May 12, 2007|Wednesday, May 16, 2007|Sunday, May 20, 2007|Monday, May 28, 2007|Saturday, June 02, 2007|Wednesday, June 06, 2007|Monday, June 11, 2007|Monday, June 18, 2007|Thursday, June 21, 2007|Friday, June 22, 2007|Monday, June 25, 2007|Tuesday, June 26, 2007|Friday, June 29, 2007|Sunday, July 08, 2007|Sunday, August 05, 2007|Thursday, August 23, 2007|Sunday, August 26, 2007|Monday, August 27, 2007|Monday, September 03, 2007|Friday, October 12, 2007|Sunday, October 21, 2007|Sunday, January 20, 2008|Monday, June 02, 2008|Wednesday, June 04, 2008|Saturday, November 29, 2008|Friday, January 09, 2009|Tuesday, March 10, 2009|Friday, March 13, 2009|Friday, March 20, 2009|Monday, March 23, 2009|Saturday, May 09, 2009

©VintageQuoth Designs

Designer's Acc: VintageQuoth

Scripts by: DynamicDrive

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